Christmas On The Lowdown–Crafting Ornaments

Have you been thinking of Christmas? I’ve been doing some Christmas crafting. Finishing the findings tree encouraged me to make a couple of ornaments for the real tree. I make a few ornaments every year: here are 2019 and 2020

Pearl hanging ornaments with touches of blue…
my favorites thus far

We’ve been reading and seeing reports that it will be extremely difficult to find gifts, food, and decor. I’m not terribly concerned about our family Christmas. We seem to pull through regardless of the commercial status. That’s one of the positives of celebrating the religious season rather than the commercialism.

Ornaments in green and pearl

Admittedly, when the boys were still living at home, the house was new, and we had more company, I decorated like a crazy woman. But I always found the after-Christmas clean up was just terribly depressing. Then so much in our life changed. In one year we went from a house full (there were eight of us here) to empty-nesters. My mom became sick. Richard’s dad had a tramatic brain injury from an accident. There were littles all over the place.

It was just too much. I dreaded the thought of dragging everthing out and then cleaning, organizing and storing all that “stuff.” We. Okay, I opted for the Christmas tree, the nativity creche, and minimal decor. Nothing extravagant. It was the answer to so many issues!

Except. (Isn’t there’s always a “but”?) I enjoy crafting. I especially enjoy crafting Christmas decor. So I missed that. Granted, every year I make a couple of ornaments but, on a very small scale, it hasn’t really filled my need. Surely, there’s an easy fix.

Two wire angels and hanging ornaments in purple and teal.

I have enjoyed making these little hanging ornaments. Now that they are “finished,” I’ve had yet another idea, so they may change once again. We’ll see. Most importantly though, the season fills me with joy, and crafting brings the season on just a little earlier.

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