Sunday Quilt Inspiration: Cuddle up in Summer Quilts

Only a few weeks ago I wrote about spring-inspired quilts from followers, and now it’s all about cuddling up in summer quilts. Already! Hey, A/C can get chilly during a movie!

If you are having weather even remotely close to our heat, humity, rain, etc., then you’ve probably pulled out the flip flops and shorts. I have been switching between shorts and pants lately, in fact, for weeks now. However, the long pants will soon go in one of those inconvient bottom drawers. Summer is here at least three times a week. So let’s use it for inspiration….

What do you think constitutes a “summer quilt”? I like light-weight quilts because we have really hot summers, but colors and design are just as important. You know, some things just scream summer. We do use quilts in the summer: picnics, decor, and movie binges are just a few reasons.

All done! How inspiring are these beauties? Find them and many other summer quilts on my “heart, quilts” board. Happy quilting and thanks for visiting!

2 thoughts on “Sunday Quilt Inspiration: Cuddle up in Summer Quilts”

  1. Summer? We are still getting frosts and I find it hard to believe summer will ever come. If I lived in your climate, though, I would love to be able to have special quilts just for summer.

    1. I would like some of your cool weather. Let’s trade! I’ll send heat, you send cool.
      The summer quilts are just really light ones. Some without batting. My grandmother used old sheets instead of batting. But then she also didn’t have access to the fabulous battings we have today. I have a quilt of hers that has unprocessed cotton batting. It’s so lumpy! 🙂

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