Andy Warhol under My Needle, Again

A quick PSA (before we get to Warhol) my novel, This World So Fierce, is on sale on this website. Order before the 18th to save $6 and get FREE shipping. You can do that here! Tell your friends or give one as a gift! Books make great Christmas gifts!

Now back to Andy Warhol. I told you I was working on a challenge that included inspiration by his works. Well, I was only a little inspired. I read about his life and looked at his work. I even wrote about him in this post, but nothing really struck me. Then I discovered The Warhol, which is a museum dedicated to him.
Notice how small the arms of Warhol’s glasses were.
I noticed the glasses. His glasses were in vogue at the time, and they were so big. I remember those glasses. Well, not HIS glasses, of course, but the style. So the glasses became the repeat. I needed three, but four just looks better.
I pulled some solids out, made the glasses template, and packed it all up to work on at the retreat last week. I’m happy to say the top is complete. However, I left it behind. One of my friends picked it up and promised to mail it to me. (I hope soon. In fact, I just sent her a reminder text.) I never meant for the two yellows to be together. Actually, the one on the right is lime green.
The more I look at it, the more I want to change it. I will definitely reevaluate the plan before putting it on the longarm. There’s plenty of time to rip out a yellow and replace it with a different color. I did keep the glasses template, so there’s that. However, it would be easy to copy this one. The original took quite some time because I had to draw it freehand, which is not my forte.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a blessed Christmas!

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