Pin It Weekly #346 spring-inspired quilts from followers

Edit: Here’s a work-around because after a week without internet (well, almost anyway) now WordPress has decided to make me struggle with every little detail. First I couldn’t write a post. Fixed that. Then I couldn’t save a post. Fixed that. Now I can’t publish the post. Can’t seem to fix that. I’ve gone around in circles, chasing my tail, getting no where. Apparently there’s a broken link. Or not enough memory. Or a plugin is faulty. I’ve tried fixing all of those. Multiple times. Multiple ways. With multiple discouragement. Perhaps tomorrow. For now I’ve (maybe) outsmarted the system by adding an edit to this last post. We’ll see. Good night.

Happy Spring! We are getting gorgeous weather here in Louisiana. The pollen count is through the roof, but pollen is a necessary part of nature. Richard left a patch of clover to encourage the bees, and a few butterflies are flitting around. Even the hummers are coming home. It’s definitely spring! Meet Marianne Reeves and take a look at these spring quilts and tops.

Valerie Burt has a few spring quilts, also.

And Mary Lou Curry has these interesting quilts.

Not actually a quilt or a top, yet, but these Dresdens have me thinking of flowers, soo…

Do you have a favorite? Do they all make you think of spring, even if you live in where’s it’s autumn? In case you missed last week’s PIW, here’s the link. Thanks for visiting!

2 thoughts on “Pin It Weekly #346 spring-inspired quilts from followers”

  1. You have got me mulling over the idea of 4 seasons of quilts. Since I mostly like quilts because they keep me warm, I could argue that all quilts are just winter ones, but it’s still nice to look at these lighter colours as the days start to lengthen. Not so much of the warming up going on here – we are still dropping below freezing every night -emphatically not what you would expect of an English spring.

    1. I hope your spring warms up soon. We are getting spring temperatures that require deep shade. It’s surprising, but also beautiful since everything seems to be blooming. The seasons of quilts…there seems to be quite a lot one could do with that phrase. Now I’m mulling…

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