Retreat and Accomplish — Make Quilts for Days!

You know how I go on retreat–generally the first weekend in July, but also this last time in December–and meet friends for lots of sewing, laughter and food? (Click for a post about last July’s retreat.) I didn’t have a chance to tell you that I had plans again this year, but I had plans. And they panned out. Perfectly.

Having a little white puppy there reminded me often that last July I went to retreat right after my Maltese, Cotton, passed on the first.

This year we had 11 people show up at some point in time. Eight or nine were overnighters at some point between Thursday and Monday. I know! We’ve figured out how to stretch the weekend into a four-day getaway. I arrived Thursday at about mid-morning and Glen was already there. In no time Yvonne and Tracy arrived.

Then a newcomer, another Mary. Oh my goodness! Having two Marys can bring on a few laughs. In no time she became New Mary. Except I kept hearing words that rhyme with new. You, too, blue. Just trust me, there are many. So often someone said New Mary and I responded to “… you, Mary.”

Two newcomers– New Mary in the red strip pants and Mona at the ironing station.

Apparently the best way to solve that was to rename me Old Mary. Yes, calling me old is not the nicest thing they could have come up with. But since I was hearing what I wanted to hear, it seemed apropos. I didn’t argue because pretty much I just answered to Mary, new or old didn’t really make much difference.

I’m not sure if Lulu counts in the number, but she
should have because she was a hit.

Hmm, I wonder, now, was that a bit passive aggressive? No, of course not! We were roommates, table mates, and quilt mates. We shared a room and she sat across the table from me, and she gave (everyone) pretty good quilt advice. She’s not shy. That’s a good thing because the shy people tend to be left to their quiet corners.

fabric for the twins’ quilts

So what did I accomplish, other than making new friends? I put a binding on a quilt, so it just needs a label. Yay! I also worked on two gifts for a friend who will become a grandmother for the first time. To twin girls! So two gifts, you see.

A raccoon came next to the window to pick up some bird seed. He was just as curious about us as we were of him.

I also managed to get three blocks for the Cotton Quilters Guild BOM completed. Was I close to being caught up? I was quite distraught to discover that there are 12 blocks! Will I ever catch up in time to finish when everyone else does.

This owl in a distant tree came every evening
to perch on his favorite hunting limb.

Oh well, what does it matter? The quilts will not be on display for the next quilt show because that is in just over two months. In fact, I came home early–Sunday afternoon–so that I could attend a special CQG meeting to work on the show. It’s all quite surprisingly sudden, but we’re determined to pull it off. More on that later. For now I’ll leave you with a few cute critter photos from the retreat.

I lost count of the number of deer we saw during the day. They just wander in and out whenever they get hungry.
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