A Little Bit of Everything

I suppose a catchup post would be in order. I have been busy with everything. As the current phrase goes, “All the things.” When school ended, I decided to stay retired, but I miss it . There’s always that wistful pull to do what I love. The problem is that when I’m teaching, I kind of want to be home. It doesn’t matter what I’d be doing. I just want to be home doing MY thing.

Detail of one of my quilts in the show

Of course, when I’m home, I miss the kids, the teaching, and the teachers. You know, the whole bit. It’s nice to have adult friends who understand your working life. Ahh, but to spend an entire day doing what I want to do is pretty awesome, also. Anyway, here’s a quick list of all the things:

Writing! I’m working on a new novel. This World So Fierce wants company, so there’s a second and maybe a third book coming.

Some of the 50+ quilts at the CQG show

Quilting. I am working on a block of the month project with the Cotton Quilters. We had a show last month. And we’re planning a trip to Mangham, La, to Stitched in Faith Quilt Shop. That’s always great fun, so I think I’ll jump in a car and ride along.

Entertaining Millie at my sewing machine.

Babysitting. Rich says we have become bus drivers. We pick up, drop off, and babysit a few times a week. I worry that I’ll forget someone?

Flag football game with Ryder (proof we do everything)

Doctor’s appointments. We are still caring for Richard’s mom. Her cancer is terminal but slow. A year later and she’s doing much better than doctors expected. She does get weak and is lonely in her house, but she’s still not ready to move here. Also, at 63 we have our own doctors. Among the three of us, we average one appointment weekly.

Most of the guild members who set up the quilt show.

Not blogging. That’s because I had all that technology trouble which I gave myself. Now that it’s resolved, I’m hoping to blog more regularly. We’ll see.

1 thought on “A Little Bit of Everything”

  1. Pingback: Five reasons to hate traditional | Mary Marcotte

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