Don’t you love blue skies? Who wouldn’t? Firstly, there’s the perfect weather. Secondly, sunshine. Thirdly, stunning shades of blue.
Originally I intended the color of blue skies to be the inspiration, so when I discovered these gorgeous peonies in the just-right color, I couldn’t resist. Oh how I wish peonies could survive here!
Then these shells came across my feed (I may have entered a new dimension on Pinterest) I just had to include them. Surely, we don’t have anything in these beautiful colors on Louisiana shores. Although, we have our own kind of beautiful.
Somewhere along my Pinterest finds, I discovered this bird pincushion. It’s a bit darker than the blue skies of a sunny day, but even those have to fall into darkness and night.
And this little guy is just too sweet to pass by and not give him a nod. Doesn’t he make you want to play in felt just a little?
However, for all the pretties that I found, I have to get to the quilts. And so, here we are. Blue sky quilts! Doesn’t that sound like the name of a wonderful shop? Wouldn’t you have to drop in? I know I would.

Before I forget, let me remind you that these are in my “heart, quilts” board. The section is titled “blue and white.”

I must be on a blue kick, because last week’s SQI was denim. Hmm, I wonder what’s going on with me. Maybe it’s the beautiful blue skies that we’ve had since Hurricane Ida destroyed Southeast Louisiana. Thank goodness cleanup is progressing and most people now have power. Hurricane season still has at least two months to go, so continue praying for the safety of the Atlantic coast and the Gulf coast. Have a great week!