Where to Begin? Good Question!

It’s hard to know where to start when you’ve abandoned something for a while. That’s what I’m facing right now. Four months down the road is a long time for a blog. Ah well, I’ll just begin here and catch you up as I go along. Maybe. Right? Maybe I’ll get everything down. Likely I’ll miss some things.

Daystar still in flimsy version

So I did finish my Daystar quilt. I had put it on the longarm just before jumping out of the blogging business. If you read my last post here, you’ve seen and read most of this, but I need to catch up, too. As for Daystar, I love it.

I’m beginning to think that I love all my quilts, for a while anyway. Some more than others, but maybe that’s because I haven’t always worked in my improv style. And sometimes I force the effort, especially if I don’t like what’s happening.

I hope you can see the quilting lines. I’m loving these swirls and flowers and loops and, well, let’s just call it wild abandon. I basically create whatever I can come up with. I like to practice on paper by drawing out motifs that I can use, then keep those nearby while I’m quilting. For such a long time I drew individual ideas out on 3×5 cards, but those aren’t big enough for combining ideas. That’s my thing right now. You can see where I pick up ideas on this Pinterest board.

As I find something I like, I pin it here (or somewhere) then come back to the original when I want to draw my own ideas out. It helps to see the line shapes and curves, though I never seem to stick to the exact drawing. Isn’t that my style, though? Doing my own thing? Yes, I have to admit it is. I’ll eventually post a picture of Daystar and give stats on it. The weather is so horrible that I haven’t considered getting a real photo yet. Not that I haven’t had opportunities, of course.

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