Pin It Weekly #364 Butterflies and Flutterflies

It’s spring in Louisiana. We have spotted a couple of hummingbirds and see butterflies on almost every walk we take. Meme calls them “flutterflies” everytime she sees one. The butterflies are mulitplies quickly and haven’t even found the wildflower gardens that Richard and Adam planted earlier when things were just beginning to green up. Right now the cosmos are absolutely darling. The next two pictures are of Adam’s garden.

Look at the variety of leaves! I have been trying to identify the plants but, I’m afraid they will have to bloom.

But we’re supposed to be checking out butterflies, so let’s get to it! Here’s the link to my “butterflies moth caterpillar” board.

Okay, so maybe some of these are moths. I do know the difference but am working in a time crunch. So I’ll leave you to determine what is what. One final link, to last week’s WIP on abstract art. Thanks for visiting!

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