Flying High with the Little Ones

Recently one of our two great-grandchilden celebrated her birthday. Her mom held it at a place in Alexandria, called Play Cenla, and we wanted to see the rest of our family. A happy time all around.

It didn’t take long to discover that Play Cenla is a fun place, no matter the reason for showing up! Watching the kids climb and bounce and tightrope their way through obstacle courses is something that I could not resist. One small course is for children 3-6 years old, based on their height.

The Big Course

The second course is for big people. In no time at all some of the adults were harnessed up and flying. It needed some time to work up the nerve. It is rather high and I am afraid of open heights. Really afraid. Break- down-and-blubber afraid.

Nevertheless, I did find the nerve. Once I was harnessed and on the platform, I took several deep breaths and ventured out into the big unknown. It was a thrill. So I went with the thrill. Before I could chicken out, I jumped (okay, not jumped) on the zipline.

The Magic of Bravery

The first go was actually pretty sad. I sat down and sort of fell off the platform. Another attempt was a little more graceful since I walked the plank. Three times was magic. I took a running leap and held on but decided to quit while I still had a little magic.

Now, that I worked up the nerve is not such a surprise. But that I worked up the nerve at 63 years old, alongside my great-granddaughter…that was pretty awesome. William, the grandpa and our oldest, bragged on his mama and made people laugh.

Did I mention that I was not even sore the next day? Clamoring for 30 minutes was plenty. I did all the obstacles that I could muster and was exhausted. A fun workout.

Then, two weeks later I slipped in the shower and bruised my hip like nobody’s business. I suppose the perspective is something to consider, but I’m still afraid of heights.

Read my last post here.

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