The modern guild that I’m involved in is located in Baton Rouge, about an hour and a half drive from my house. We are a fun bunch! Every year we participate in a round robin quilt-along. Last year, the group ran off with my Paris-themed quilt. Actually the six quilts were all pretty awesome. Read about them here!

I’ve entered “Les Chats de Paris” in QuiltCon. “Les Chats,” as I call my quilt tells the story of two cats who are lovers in Paris, meet up for a stroll along the River Seine, and have a bird supper.
It’s hilarious! If you look closely, you can see houses and shops, the river, the bridge and stained glass from the cathedral–something to do with the light. The female is showing off her new jewelry and the male is dressed to the nines, bowtie included.
Did you notice the moon behind the houses in the third row from the top? It’s crazy how much work they put into this quilt. Quilting it was a blast! I don’t even really remember what I did for the quilting!
That might be because I haven’t seen the quilt in a while. It was hanging in the Livingston Parish Library through most of the summer and tomorrow will go up in a different library. Hopefully it will also hang in QuiltCon! The other five members who participated in the round robin is also entering their quilts. How awesome is this group?!