A Herd of Unicorns… Honestly

An entire herd of unicorns came through my living room this past week.

I discovered a unicorn pattern online and in less than a minute decided that I had to make one for Milly. She loves unicorns and insists on a unicorn story every time I offer to tell one. Ryder is into big trucks and dinosaurs. Telling one story with all three favorites can become interesting.

Before making the first plushie, I changed the pattern to simplify it somewhat and also to make the neck space larger so that Milly could also use it as a neck pillow. Then I experimented with markers to draw in the eyes. Eventually I chose to use the Derwent Inktense pencils, which worked beautifully.

Of course, as soon as I completed the first one, I found out that Milly’s favorite color is blue. I used a yellow knit. That meant only one thing: make a blue one. I did. However, once I pulled out the knit pieces, I decided to go ahead and make several.

Horns, manes, and inner ears are all made with gold lame’.

Using my changes, I made several in almost no time. Stuffing them got a bit boring, because making the neck space larger meant the neck itself is smaller and I had to push every bit of stuffing through and then place it into the nose, head, and throat. Otherwise, I had a floppy, not-very-pretty unicorn. Well, we can’t have that now can we?

Update: Miss Milly loves her unicorn. When I showed her how to use it as a neck pillow, she threw herself onto the sofa and pretended to sleep, loud snores included.

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