Ebook is now available through Amazon

That’s right! The ebook for This World So Fierce will be available for immediate download on Monday, October 26. Exciting, right? So how do you get it? Easy-peasy. Go to Amazon.com and do a book search for This World So Fierce Mary Marcotte. I know, it’s kind of long so copy and paste that bugger. Here’s the thing: adding my name brings it to the top of the menu–no additional searching. You can, absolutely, purchase the book and download it immediately to your computer, tablet, or phone. (This is starting to sound like a commercial. 

Let’s say, however, that you want the real, physical, printed book to hold in your sweet little hands. No matter. Every time you search my book in the Amazon app, it increases my SEO. Now, I honestly can’t explain SEO to you. That’s just way too much explaining, but I can say it’s important to internet success, so I really need for you to do me this favor. Amazon.com, search “This World So Fierce Mary Marcotte” in books and look at my beautiful book. Please. And thank you!

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