I taught my first class for the new “Grow Your Garden” workshop. We had a full day for playing, learning, and quilting. And we did it all! We started class talking about improv and applique and looking at class samples.

Then we chose background fabrics and moved on to finding favorite patterns from my pattern packet to create individual flowers replete with stems, leaves, and petals.

In no time everyone was working on their pieces.

And the results were impressive. Take a look at some of them. A few people had to leave at lunchtime and missed my demonstration on thread painting. The idea being that we’d make a couple of flowers in the morning and quilt them in the afternoon. But these ladies wanted none of that. They were having too much fun making flowers and wanted to continue with those.

In fact, a few went home with a completed garden and planned to quilt and thread paint their pieces at home. To that end, we spent a few minutes discussing how to prep their quilt sandwiches.

Thank goodness Richard drove me to Shreveport because I could not have driven back. I was exhausted! Such a fun day of teaching and spending time with a group of quilters who were willing to try new ideas and take chances.