I sort of hate to see the Block of the Month go. I loved creating and writing, but the stress of having everything ready in time was a bit much, and let’s remember there was no pay. I simply wanted to see if I could do it and succeeded in not just seeing it through but also making two quilts.
I also had a wonderful time meeting new friends. To those of you who have requested that I do this again, I think I might. I’ll take a little break. Two big quilts on a deadline requires a little downtime, after all. After Christmas I’ll get back to it and make a quilt for the last grandchild who has yet to get hers. It’s well on the way, but Christmas is close and there are cooking and baking packages lined up on the countertops.
I want sit back and analyze the process. To figure out what went well, what needs improvement, and what we enjoyed. That also, will take time. Finally, I need to consider how I can turn this idea into mini-classes and offer them here on marymarcotte.com. If you have ideas that might help with any of these plans, please let me know! I’d love your feedback. You can email me at info@marymarcotte.com or mary.marcotte@gmail.com. Thank you, again for joining the fun!
Love your work! Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Mrs. Bertha. You are always so kind and supportive.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Your work is pretty + awesome = PRETTY AWESOMENESS
Thank you, Angie. I’m pretty impressed by you!