I discovered charcuterie boards via Pinterest a while back and have been considering creating a board. Richard and Adam made a few to put in my Griffin’s booth, so there’s even more interest. At the first book signing my beautiful friend Shera had a charcuterie board to rival any Pinterest photo I’ve seen. And so, more and more I’ve been needing to start a board. I will in a minute.

First I want to tell you this: I decided to feature a few Pinterest followers (it’s been so long since I’ve done that. Sorry.) The very first person on the now very long list is Marlene Pauman and guess what is on the top of her boards! Charcuterie boards. How perfect? Let’s do it!

Jeab Chawiwan has the cutest pincushions. I just couldn’t resist. Yes, I pinned half of them. Aren’t you going to?

Joyce McCracken has some really sweet Christmas diy ideas. We’re quickly running out of time, so here are a few to pull together in those moments you are able to sneak in.

I hope your last week of Advent is wonderful and blessed and filled with Jesus’ love.