Projects: all the little things

In addition to arranging these flowers for All Souls Day, I’ve been busy with one not-so-small and several small projects. Here’s a quick list:
  • Emile’s quilt
  • Embroidery
  • Lace fabric birds for ornaments
  • Hat pins
  • Small decorated Christmas tree
  • Pin cushion
  • Covered box
In some ways, I’m juggling all of them. Why?
Well, my bipolar disorder decided that life was going too well. Or maybe the meds need tweaking. Whatever. It meant three weeks of mania. So I had ideas flying around, project after project starting and perhaps a bit of crying. Who knows anymore?
Finally that crazy lifestyle found an emotional hole to crawl into. Of course, that means it also left a whopping big, emotional hole behind. If you know anything about bipolar disorder, you know that depression almost always follows right on the heels of mania.
Pincushion made using some of my lace fabric and the lid to a canister I broke. Recycle, reuse, repurpose!
This time it’s a whopping big dose of depression. We did change a medicine dosage, and it’s improving, but I’m still not my right self. I’ve been to the doctor and the therapist and Richard. Everyone is there for me. Except me, I suppose. I’m just out of it. I’m pretty sure I could sleep for 20 hours each day leaving a couple of hours for bathroom breaks and crying.
But take heart! I won’t let it hold me down. Surprisingly, I fight for a while every day. That includes prayers, sunshine, sewing, and chatting with Richard. He’s such a kind-hearted fella. “What can I do to help?” has become his mantra.
In my effort to combat the bipolar explosion in my life, I’ve been pushing myself to work on at least one project every day. These embroideries are winning. I’m almost finished! It’s a good reminder that just a few minutes daily add up to big dividends. How about this checklist now? Looking better right?
  • Emile’s quilt–finished! And already gone, photos in an upcoming post.
  • Embroidery–almost at the finish line.
  • Lace fabric birds–done! I love this idea for my lace fabric.
  • Christmas trees–one finished
  • Hat pins–finished just yesterday!
  • Pin cushion–finished a week ago. It’s far from beautiful, but I learned a few things and will use it in the workroom.
  • Covered boxes–one finished. It’s for me. Yay!
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