This World So Fierce: a novel


A story of the other side of tragedy. The orphans are a surrogate family, but when they take in one more child could their family break? What happens when one orphan can’t turn his life around?

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Trish and Nikki are Orphans who live on the poor side of town. But they know what it means to have a family that cares, even if that family is not blood. Their foster parents can’t have children of their own, so they raise children who come to them from a world of pain and loss. When the family is asked to take in one more, they can’t refuse. But it might be one more than they can handle.

This World So Fierce is a story of the other side of tragedy. The orphans are a surrogate family, but when they take in one more child could their family break? What happens when one orphan can’t turn his life around?

Weight 1.11 lbs
Dimensions .5 × 6 × 9 in

7 reviews for This World So Fierce: a novel

  1. Angie

    If you have not done so… I highly recommend purchasing the book “This World So Fierce”. You WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!
    Decided to read a few pages before going to bed…which turned out to be the entire book! Excellent book! I highly recommend it.
    You will also find a few hints of a life time ago in our own “world so fierce”
    — Angelique Fogleman

  2. Bertha F. Meisner

    This story brings attention to the challenges of children in foster care and the foster parents who care for them. I also enjoyed references to places in Avoyelles Parish.
    –Bertha F. Meisner

  3. Randel Paul

    I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your book thoroughly! I love how you weren’t afraid to get dark and gritty, as that is how the real world works. Well done, ma’am!

    • Mary

      Thank you, Randel.

  4. Amy

    I thought it was very well done! Character development was such that allowed you to emphatize without unnecessarily overdoing it, while the plot never lingered. Pacing was just right. You nailed it!

    • Mary

      What a review! Thank you.

  5. Mary

    Mary, I finished your book and I am so proud of you! I really enjoyed it! So tragic were the lives of those kids. You really made me feel for them and root for them, but not Mike. Did not care for Mike. You made him a real jerk but gave us a good insight into why he was the way he was and did what he did. The book was too short and you will have to write a part 2 so we know how the kids end up, especially Nikki and Trish. I noticed how you deferred to your teacher background and knowledge of school opportunities to make it truthful. I also loved the Cajun talk that was strategically used to describe how Nikki’s grandma talked. Kudos to you and well done! I was taken back to so long ago with how my own grandmother used to talk to me when I was little. She would talk half English and half Cajun French. You nailed it!
    –Cindy Shaub

  6. Mary

    Mary, I have to tell you that I agree with everything Cindy Schaub said about the book. I couldn’t put it down. I hope you are working on a sequel. I too want to know where the four high schoolers end up. Again, thank you for the enjoyment I received from reading your book. Please keep me informed about any new stories you decide to tell. ❤️

  7. Mary

    Thank you, Linda and Cindy, for the encouraging words.

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