Meet my new baby!

I have been hoping for a sweet little Singer Featherweight for so long. I imagine anyone who quilts or sews hopes for one of these. We, Richard and I, have been watching to find one at a good price. I haven’t been very consistent with my search. It seems like a waste of time to keep looking for an affordable machine when they are outrageously priced.

The pink scissors are about 7 inches long, and the bed of the machine is not much longer.

So, I’d look for a few days then give up. Richard, however, is one determined guy. He decided that this Christmas would be the one. I was completely clueless. What a wonderful surprise! It’s a 221 but one of the small ones. Extra light. It came with the case, but nothing else, so I’ve ordered extra bobbins. Later, I’ll add a few more attachments, but a straight stitch is all I need. I’ve used it already to sew some blocks for Amelia’s quilt. It sews like a dream.

But it didn’t at first. Rich had to work on it a bit, as it was skipping stitches. I’d tried several things, but nothing worked. It took him about 30 minutes to open her up, clean and oil, and set the timing. Now it sews a dream of a stitch!

We had such a laugh at ourselves. The light would not come on, and the bulb had a gray look to it, so we gave up trying to turn it on. Later, I wanted to turn the machine off and pushed the little button you can see in the photo. Plink! The light was on! Between us there are over 50 years of using and fixing sewing machines…and we couldn’t turn on the light!

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