Bed Quilts

50th Anniversary Quilt; 2008; (made for Ellen and Riley Bourque)

Quilts with a Fleur de Lis Quilts watermark are older quilts from before was launched.

All Manner of Fabrics; 76″ X 80″; 2015
The Quarry; 2016
Disappearing Nine Patch; 2010
Double Disappearing Nine Patch; 2012
That Big Chevron; 101” X 102”; Sept 2016; In One Day original pattern
Adrienne’s Quilt; 73″X 96″; 2011

Paisley in Pictures; 2011

Emmy Blue’s Quilt; 51″ X 51″; 2025;

Give Me Words; 54″ X 58″; 2020
Math Is an Expletive; 59″ X 59″; 2015
Dee’s Dresden; 2005
Grandmother’s Fans;
Fantasy Garden; 2014
He Loves Me; 2012

He Loves Me More; 2013
Autumn Splendor;

Daystar; 2023

Adrienne; 73″ X 96″; 2013
To See Such Fun; 62″ X 62″; 2019
Angled Surprise; 41″ X 48″; 2016

Dalias Do Grow in Louisiana Mud;
Murky Waters; 54″ X 56″; Jan 2016
One Big Finish; 108″ X 100″; 2020
Erica’s Hot Pink Girl; 84″ X 98″; 2019 “Oh Mary, the quilt arrived today! It’s exactly what I wanted. It’s beautiful, thank you for creating the quilt of my dreams!”  -Erica

Baby Bunting; 45” x 45”; March 2016
That Big Chevron; 101” X 102” Sept 2016; In One Day original pattern
Old Ohio Rose;
Sunbonnet in Blue
Reflections in Gray; 70″ x 84″; 2012 (Quiltcon 2013)
Les Boites des Belle Fleurs;
Pink Roses Bedight; 28″ X 39″; 2013
Butterfly Garden; 2007
A Pocketful of Posies;
Donation quilt; 2016
Nimble and Quick; Nursery Rhyme Series
All the Games; 2008
Sophie’s Quilt; 40″ X 45″; 2011
ROAR! The Dinosaur; 44″ X 48″; 2020
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater; Nursery Rhyme Series
Angled Surprise; 41″ X 48″; 2014
How does your garden grow?;
Round Pegs, Square Holes;
All About the Boxes; 48″ X 48″; 2020
Baby Bunting; 45” x 45”; March 2016
Les Batons
Yellow Chevron; 38” x 48”; September 2016
Fetch a Pail of Water; 40″ X 40″;
Lola Modern; 41″ X 45″; 2013
Favorite Fabrics; 54″ X 58″; 2020
Throw It All In; 41″ X 51″; 2021; Top made by Volcie Lacombe before her death in 1991 and quilted in 2021
Volcie’s Legacy; 41″ X 41″; 2012
How Does Your Garden Grow?; Nursery Rhymes Series
Stormy’s Anchor; 50” x 50”; Sept 2016
AmandaJean’s QAL; 50″ X 50″; 2017
Hot Diggity Dog; 48″ X 48″; 2017; Nursery Rhymes Series (fabrics left from AmandaJean QAL)
Around a Girl’s World
Angled Surprise; 41″ X “48; 2016

Pretty Maids in a Row; 41″ X 42″; 2016

total 76

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