A Finished Flimsy Ready for Next Steps–the Longarm

Last week, I told you about this flimsy, my current project. It is based on Sandra Dallas’ novel, The Quilt Walk. In the story, Emmy Blue’s hand stitches a log cabin quilt as she travels west with her family in a wagon train. She sews the blocks, most reluctantly at first, as she walks alongside the wagon. In Dallas’ novel, Emmy Blue’s log cabin blocks are sewn in blue and white strips with a red center, and I followed her plans. Still, several differences found their way into my quilts: they are machine sewn, the fabrics are modern and playful, and I added blocks to make the quilt big enough for a pre-teen. Thus, Emmy Blue has nine blocks, but I have 16. My flimsy is about 52″ square.
I played with a couple of different settings. Log cabin lends itself to so many settings that choosing can be difficult. This variety is likely one of the reasons the log cabin is such a popular block. These three settings are my favorite:
1st option: Richard’s favorite, but I wasn’t real crazy about how it looks like I just threw four baby quilts together.

2nd option: one of my favs, I called it “Flowing Water.”

3rd 0ption: another favorite, called “Center of Attention.”

Which flimsy won in the end? Ta-da! This one!

Photo of final flimsy of blue and white log cabin blocks.
FLIMSY WINNER! “The Center of Attention”
Honestly, this flimsy came together quite easily, and I’m surprised it didn’t take longer, especially since I added three blocks to the original nine, then another four blocks to create another row. Even when I make a traditional quilt, I end up making improv decisions!

I hope your week is moving along nicely and that you are taking time for yourself by enjoying some stitching or crafting. Whatever it is that helps you to slow down and enjoy life. Don’t forget to get some sunshine (even if it’s cloudy) and to exercise. Care for yourself, and you can love those around you.

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