Sunday Quilt Inspiration: indigo

There’s an SQI from 2018 on the old blog that covers indigo, but I am into indigos right now, and want to create another indigo SQI, with a bit of a boro slant. I’m thinking it will inspire me as I work on my boro jacket fabric. I have a little done, now, and it’s beginning to look like something boro-ish. (Yes, boro-ish. Why not?)

My first attempt using different shades of indigo stitched together improv style, backed with a thin lining, and hand-sewn using big stitches. I’ll continue with the big stitches and, as the feeling catches me, add other stitches for interest.

This photo (above) shows the way that boro jackets are repaired and added to over time, so they almost never wear out. When a hole appears, the maker adds a piece of fabric and sews it in using large stitches in an improv pattern.

Eventually, those added pieces make up the jacket. Pieces are added wherever needed, Oftentimes, on top of previously added pieces. And so, as always, a few quilts in our SQI theme…

I’ll leave you with my own small indigo art piece, titled Indigo Dusk. Click on the title for the link explaining how I created it.

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