GSQA 2024 Quilt Show ~~ the winners

GSQA has a biennial quilt show, which was last weekend. I entered four improv quilts. Two friends from the Cotton Quilters’ Guild rode with me to Slidell, La. It’s easily three hours of driving, so I welcomed the company. We shopped at Sew This, a quilt shop in Abita Springs, and lunched at the Abita Brew Pub, just a 15 mile drive from the Harbor Center in Slidell, which gave us plenty of time to see the quilts and do a little more shopping.

I thought you might want to see a few of the quilts, so here’s a sideshow of the main winners and a few my favorites.

I’ll post a few more photos later. It takes time to process pictures, and we’ve been grandie-sitting a bit more lately.

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