Don’t we all have that one friend? You know, the one who brings great joy and laughter into your life. But that same one has well defined reasons for everything. Imagine quilting for that one will tell you in a second where to get off, how to go and what to do when you get there. I have one of those friends. Actually, I might have a few of those friends. Hmm, something to think about.
Anyway, this particular friend, pun intended, has been in my life for about 30 years. So she’s a keeper. I love her. (Actually, I love all of my friends.) A couple of months ago she asked me to make a quilt for her bed. I agreed. Knowing how particular she is. I just can’t say “no” to the people I love. It gets me into trouble at times. Still….
We measured the bed, decided on drop lengths, chose a fabric and discovered that the store didn’t have enough. They promised to order more, sent a text saying “nope, not happening.” We brainstormed some options. She ordered again. Finally it came in. At Christmas. In the middle of trying to survive the chaos. I told her it would have to wait until after New Year’s Day.
What a joy to quilt. I started out trying to imulate the design from the drapery fabric but didn’t have a chance! Oh, I traced, drew, practiced. Built muscle memory. Kept the inspiration piece close and looked at it often. All those things that I tell students to do. Then I turned on the longarm.
And the design I’d worked with just gave in to the design in the quilt. The quilt knows. I say it all the time. Here’s another example of the quilt knowing. She loves it. It’s the right size (Phew! Mary math worked!) and coordinates with the rest of the room. I haven’t seen it on her bed, but she would not lie to me. So if she says it’s perfect, it is.
I played. Really, that’s it in a nutshell: I quilted some of the motifs over and over, making minor changes each time, even designing new motifs as I went along. I want to make another. I want to play just like this again and again!