Pin It Weekly #365 Red and White

‘Nearly Insane’ Quilt – August 2015

Welcome to PIW, the week of red and white quilts! I have over 60 quilts on the “red and white” section

“Red December” by Gail Smith quilted by Angela McCorkle

of my “heart, quilts” board. This is just a small taste.

Gwen Marsden quilt
Pieced by Audrey Hill Quilted by Jessica’s Quilting Studio
Harrison Rose
Das Muster für diesen Quilt stammt aus einem Buch von Judy Martin und heißt dort ‘Shakespeare in the park’.
Lisa Martin “1906” Red and White Blue Ribbon WA State Fair Traditional quilt.

Apologies, I was not able to find information on these last two, but they are too pretty to not include. Of course, choosing is always so very difficult! Here’s a link to the last Pin It Weekly.

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