Hairbands and Quilt Shows and a Bit of Sewing

Live has been a little busy. Summer is always busy with the kids out of school. There are many activities and a couple of quilt shows to attend. It’s finally that time of summer to begin thinking of going back. Most of our grands are just about ready. The moms shopped with and without the kids. One way is more efficient. Can you guess which?
Milly needed a few hairband or ponytail holders or whatever they are called. Dusti considered purchasing a few until she saw the price. Six dollars for a hairband? No way! Deedee can make those. And just like that I had another small project on my worktable. Of course, asking me was not happening since I could say no. Instead Milly did the cuddly, sweet little tell Deedee how awful it is that momma has to spend so much money. Blah, blah, blah, yes. Go pick out some fabric.
photo of 7 ponytail holder made by the author
We started with five and ended with seven. Not bad, actually. Another way to keep busy is to go to quilt shows.
red and white quilt from the Krotz Springs show.
The weather is hot, but it rarely rains or kicks up a storm. That means the roads won’t horrid. Just rough and broken. Rattles my bones.
This quilt show was in Krotz Springs. Pam and I have been going together for the last several years. It’s gotten smaller, but seeing friends easily makes up for that.
Since it was July, many of the quilts had a Fourth of July vibe. I don’t really like holiday quilts, but maybe I should reconsider because these are beautiful. Enjoy the rest of the show! And don’t forget about the retreat where I’ll be teaching a few classes.
three Fourth of July inspired quilts from the Krotz Springs show.
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