Pin It Weekly #363 Abstract Art

Lots of insipiration in this post of abstract art and how it can inform modern quilting. I’ve been thinking about the theme for my modern guild round robin.

We’ve mentioned it at the last couple of meetings, and someone has stepped up to chair it, so it’s coming soon. I’m excited! Especially since abstract art has been on my mind and I’ve added to this board.

Thinking about the ones we did last year, the quilt influenced by the seasons was a fun one to work on. Now. At the time I struggled. But I persisted and the end result works beautifully with the rest of the quilt. The truth is I enjoyed them all.

Perhaps my favorite was one influenced by Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian painter and art theorist, who was instrumental in the abstract art movement.

While I like his paintings, I’m thinking of going with something softer and more contemporary. Of course, there’s no telling where the work will go in terms of creativity.

The only thing I can do is start the first round with something abstract, suggest it, and enjoy the result. In that order.

I have found an artist whose work I really enjoy, Simone Braun. Perhaps with a little more research, I’ll have found my inspiration. What do you think?

Abstract art from Simone Braun

1 thought on “Pin It Weekly #363 Abstract Art”

  1. Pingback: Pin It Weekly #364 Butterflies and Flutters | Mary Marcotte

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