Last weeks’ post was about what followers are pinning. So this week PIW has a few of my recent pins. In no order. Just some things I like and are now on my “craft diy make” board.

No rhyme or reason. A few of them I think I’ll use for inspiration at some point.

Some of the things I like include the textures on these books, boards and tiles.

My brain has been all over the place when it comes to sewing and crafting. I can’t seem to settle down since the beginning of the termite saga, which is still not over. In fact, it’s a mess.

I just turn around in circles when I try to organize because I’m overwhelmed. I have managed to get a few more boxes put away in the new studio. Ah, but the real problem right now is the old studio. The workers continue to dig for termites, though they didn’t find anything in the last day or so. Yay!

And that’s PIW for this week.