I rediscovered the pictures from our guild meeting. Because of the Labor Day holiday, we delayed the meeting until the 13th. So really, as is typical for me, I’m a little late with this post. Here’s a link to the last Cotton Quilters Guild post.
I posted the pictures on Facebook in no time. Naturally, in my head I’d posted. Gracious, I’m bad about doing things in my head but not in real life. Do you do that? Believe (maybe even remember) that you completed a thing and, as it turns out, you didn’t?
Here’s the thing: occasionally, I write a text (or email or blog post or FB response–there are so many!) to someone. You know, a beautiful, exactly-what-I-want-to-say text but, for whatever reason, I don’t press the little blue “GO” arrow. Surprisingly, it doesn’t go on its own. Hours, days, later, I discover the text sitting there, in edit mode, waiting. Just waiting for one little tap on one little arrow. For all that talk about things being “automatic,” in my case it really isn’t. Thankfully, because sometimes I write really stupid, what-was-I-thinking texts.
Sometimes. Like now. I write a full-blown digression about nothing. I generally ditch all of it when I reread, but what the heck, you should know what you’re working with. Right? So the paragraph above gets to go live. And you know the truth: I’m a kooky mess!
Okay then, back to my report on the CQG day.
We had a sew in, lunch and a meeting. As it turns out, these days of sewing, eathing and being with friends are great fun. I hightly recommend it if you your guild can pull it off.
However, there was one caveat. Sad news, we had to make a decision about our quilt show, and we voted to cancel the show. Unfortunately, the covid numbers in Louisiana are still rising. For this reason, it’s simply not safe. Of course, no one wants to be responsible for increasing the number of cases. That really was the finality of the question.
And that’s it! Those are our Cotton Quilters show and share pieces. Thanks for visiting and, please, don’t tell everyone just how kooky I really am.